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Friday, October 6, 2017

Website Infrastructure and Marketing Go Together

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Are your business' infrastructure (website server) and marketing aligned? It is important to apply a culture that aligns these two services.

In this article, I've separated some tips for you to align your PPC and SEO strategies with your hosting or infrastructure. Let's go?

The speed that users access your website will determine your online presence, the performance of your website directly affects the user experience, make this clear.

Reducing the bounce rate of your website is critical, as is the loading time of the pages.

Website hosting is as important as other areas because it will define factors that directly affect users of your website, such as speed and security, for example.

If you have difficulty handling infrastructure configurations, SECNET has the cPanel management service. Perfect for you to focus on business and leave the technical part to our experts.

How to measure the speed of your website?

First step is to know how long your website is taking to open. For this, you can use some tools that do this task, such as GTmetrix and / or Pingdom.

These tools show more than you need, if you want quicker results, opt for a Google Chrome extension that evaluates the loading time of your website. Simple, fast and practical.

One tip is to work with metrics, so that you can evaluate errors and improvements.


Infrastructure must go hand in hand with Marketing, for example, here at SECNET, all of our campaigns are monitored, so when necessary our infrastructure is modified as needed.

Website Hosting

The hosting must meet your need and be in accordance with your business. For example, it's no use for you to start a blog with little access and hire a robust hosting service.

Start with what suits your business, if you have difficulties in handling technical settings, use a cPanel management service, for example.

Cloud Server

The Cloud Server is perfect for businesses that demand performance and flexibility. You can change it according to your need. Perfect for anyone looking for stability.

The infrastructure needs to be secure, with backups and monitoring. This ensures that the data is secure and the time invested in IT is targeted to the business.

A website with optimized pages generates more interaction with users, and consequently a lower rejection rate, I recommend using the SSL Certificate.

Imagine yourself, after sending email marketing, not able to access your website due to the lack of server resources.

web hosting

web hosting

Security as your ally

Try to look at the security of your website as an investment, not as a cost.

In addition to protecting user data and attacks, security can be used as Marketing, try to use a seal on pages, showing the importance of security for your company.

SiteLock, for example, is a great system for protecting your website, as it does scans, identifies vulnerabilities, and protects your website. Perfect because, in addition to protecting your website, it shows interest in protecting customer information.

Marketing Adverts

Ads you use the right way generate a lot of traffic and sales to your website. But that's not always the case, apart from ad problems such as low CTR or lack of investment, the problem may lie in your infrastructure.

Imagine a virtual store with 150 instant accesses in a non-optimized, shared hosting and receiving attacks will not be cool.

Therefore, investing in a prepared infrastructure is important for the marketing of your business.


It is common to see beautiful websites, with a well-structured layout, with flashy banners and CTA`s that really catch the eye. But when moving around the website, the situation is totally different.

It is also common to find images not yet optimized, with high sizes, such as 1Mb.

These small details directly affect your hosting if it is not optimized. A slow website makes shopping and browsing difficult.

Tip: Optimize your images in e-Commerce.


The accesses of organic origin have great importance for your website, and this is of no use if your website is slow.

That's why SECNET has optimized servers, ready to serve all levels of e-Commerce, from small to large virtual stores.

We use configurations specified for each business, using the maximum of each resource.


Infrastructure is a powerful feature that should be used in your favor. The speed of your website, the navigation that the users perform in it is influenced by this service.

I hope this article has shown the importance of an infrastructure, and the importance of being aligned with Marketing.

And if you come across a website like this, with a great Marketing but with an infrastructure that is not equivalent, come back to this article and leave it in the comments that so I can add as an example in this article.

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And if you need help or if you want to give some feedback about this article, leave it in the comments.

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Source: Website Infrastructure and Marketing Go Together


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