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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Anonymous Have Taken Down 10,000 Child Pornography Sites

An anonymous hacker has taken down about one fifth of the dark web which was hosting a huge amount of child porn.

The hacktivists breached Freedom Hosting II, the largest host of the Dark Web which is accessible only through an anonymous network called Tor, which prevents anyone tracing your location or browsing habits.

Over 10,000 hidden services were defaced and shut down before being directed to a message from Anonymous.

The individual who claimed to have done this on the 'first hack', spoke to Vice saying his original plan was not to take down the host, but observe it. Then when he saw the large child pornography sites, he decided to take it down.

Due to the encryption of the Dark Web, law enforcement can really struggle to unmask the criminals committing deplorable crimes online.

The message that hosted sites now redirect to reads:

Anonymous Have Taken Down 10,000 Child Pornography Sites 442 Deep Web iceberg infografia

Most users of the Internet only know the first level of the web which is the tip of the iceberg which are sites that are indexed by search engines.

It is difficult to estimate the magnitude of the Deep Web, but it is estimated that the weight of the content is more than 7,000 terabytes of information.

Hacktivism at its best.

Source: Anonymous Have Taken Down 10,000 Child Pornography Sites


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