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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Google Firebase Hosting & Custom Domain - The Missing Manual

Why would you spend acquiring a web hosting plan for any Ionic/Angular/Native/Desktop app backed specially by Google Firebase database or any other, when the Google Firebase Cloud Platform comes with one simple but extra ordinary feature - Google Firebase Hosting that too with an option to go with self owned domain.

It took me few minutes to configure and get started with this Wowsome! feature in the Google Firebase Console. I am sharing the steps on how to get one configured for you.

Step 1:

When on your Google Firebase Console switch to Hosting tab which lies under the left vertical navigation bar.

Step 2:

Even though you haven't yet configured any domain and this is your first time you will always see above screen with a Get Started button. Hit this button and continue for two steps.

Step 4:

When you see the above screen hit the Connect Domain button. you will be prompted to add your self owned domain name like below:

After you type in your domain name hit Continue.

Note: You also have an option on this screen to redirect your domain to an existing website which is already running and hosted elsewhere.

Step 5:

Google Firebase wants you to verify the ownership of the domain name you just added to connect. All you need to do is copy paste this record into your domain control setting (DNS) and save as below Godaddy example:

After your domain ownership is verified by Google Firebase you will be shared some settings of A record that you will need to enter into you domain control (DNS) settings as below:

Make sure you remove all existing default entires under A host or else it will not work. If you failed to do so Google will warn you with a message inside Firebase console > Hosting > Connect Domain > Message — "Google Firebase is expecting A record to be xxxx and found yyyy".

Note: Google Firebase configures behind the scenes a SSL certificate (example — https://www.mycustomdomain.com) which takes time, for me everything worked within 24 hours.

Well its time to keep your fingers crossed if all goes well and you followed me correctly you should see below screen when you hit www.mycustomdomain.com in the browser address bar:

You see above screen as there are no files to be served or not uploaded yet, to deploy please see my earlier story on Google Firebase can host your website and single page application

Source: Google Firebase Hosting & Custom Domain - The Missing Manual


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